Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara, June 1985
M.S.. University of Wyoming, Laramie, May 1980
B.S. University of Wyoming, Laramie, May 1977


Instructor (full time), Casper College, Casper, Wyoming. Teach Geology and Paleontology Fall 1996 to present. Course list includes;
Physical Geology 1100,
Earth Science for Elementary Education Teachers 1070,
Geology of Wyoming 1020,
Geology of Wyoming Fieldtrips 1021,
Volcanoes 1020,
Plate Tectonics 1020,
Oil and Gas Industry of Wyoming 1020,
Natural Disasters 1020,
Caves 1020,
Planetary Geology 1020,
Geology in the Field 1015,
Foundations of Geology 2000,
Principles of Paleontology 2050,
Geologic Mapping 2080,
Geomorphology 2150,
Topics in Geology 2490

Instructor (part time), Casper College, Casper, Wyoming.
Fall 1995, Taught:
Geology 1100,
Physical Geology,

Spring 1996, Taught:
Geology 1100,
Physical Geology and Geology 2050,
Principles of Paleontology,

Instructor, Natrona County School District #1, co-taught elementary summer field science course on geology and paleontology of Casper and Alcova areas, 1991 to 1994.

Instructor, Casper College, Casper, Wyoming. Taught CMSV 168, Volcanoes, Spring Semester 1987.

Associate, University of California, Santa Barbara. Taught Geology 104B, Field Methods, Spring Quarter 1982.

Teaching Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Geology 2L, Introductory Physical Geology Lab, Winter Quarter 1982.
Assisted Dr. D. Weaver in Geology 104B, Field Methods, Spring Quarter 1981.
Assisted Dr. D. Weaver in Geology 101, Principles of Geology, Winter Quarter 1981.
Taught Geology 2L, Introductory Physical Geology Lab, Fall Quarter 1980.

Teaching Assistant, University of Wyoming, Laramie.

Assisted Dr. R. Houston in Geology 670G, Mineral Deposits, Spring Semester 1979.
Assisted Dr. R.. Houston in Geology 670F, Mineral Deposits, Fall Semester 1978.
Assisted Dr. G. Mitra in Geology 660F, Structural Geology, Fall Semester 1978.
Assisted Drs. D. Blackstone and R. Marrs in Geology 610, Mapping, Fall Semester 1978.

President, Montessori School of Casper, 1990-91.

Fieldtrip Leader for joint Soviet-American student exchange fieldtrip in pre-college geological education, July 1991.


Geological Consultant, 1980 to present, Wyoming Professional Geologist #937.

Chairman, 2003 to present, Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists, appointed by Governor Dave Freudenthal

Curator, Tate Museum, Casper College, 1994 to present.

President and founder of Absaroka Exploration Company, Inc., Casper, Wyoming, December 1986 to present. This is a petroleum exploration firm that searches for petroleum beneath volcanic rocks.

Scholarship Chairman for Wyoming Geological Association, 1989 to present.

President of Friends of the Tate Museum, January 1996 to 1997.

President of Ram Oil Company, Inc., Casper, Wyoming, July 1986 to 1995.

Chairman of the Board and Founder, Ram Oil Company, Inc., Casper, Wyoming, 1980 to July 1986.

Fieldtrip Chairman for 1987, 1990, 1992 and 1994 Wyoming Geological Association Field Conferences. Organized and toured hundreds of geologists for 5 day excursions throughout Wyoming.

Treasurer of Wyoming Geological Association, 1988.

Geologist, W.G.M., Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, 1977.


Frank Morgan Award for Meritorious Achievement in 1991, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, Wyoming.

Best Speaker Award for 1989, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver, Colorado.

Best Speaker Award for 1988, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper , Wyoming.

Best Speaker Award for 1984, Wyoming Geological Association, Casper, Wyoming.


NSF - EPSCoR grants to community colleges 2005, 2004, 2001, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996.

Geological Society of America Grant (No. 3074-82), 1982.

Geological Society of America Grant (No. 2926-81), 1981.

Geological Society of America Grant (No. 2766-80), 1980.

Research Assistantship, University of Wyoming, supported by National Science Foundation Grants (EAR-709475 and EAR-7904369). Principal investigators were Dr. P. N. Shive and Mr. J. G. Eaton, Summer 1979 to Spring 1980.


Member of Geological Society of America.

Member of Sigma Xi (Honorary Research Society).

Member of Wyoming Geological Association.

Member of Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists.

Member of Casper Rotary Club.

Wyoming Professional Geologist #937

Appointed to State of Wyoming Board of Professional Geologists, 2003 - present


Sundell, K. A., 1980; Geology of the North Fork of Owl Creek, Hot Springs County, Wyoming: University of Wyoming unpublished master's thesis, 158 pp.

Sundell, K. A., 1982; Geology of the Headwater Area of the North Fork of Owl Creek, Hot Springs County, Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Survey, Report of Investigations No. 15, 51 pp.

Sundell, K. A., 1983; Volcanic Stratigraphy , Timing and Petroleum Exploration in the Southeastern Absaroka Range, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming; (abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, no. 8, pp. 1357-58.

Sundell K. A., 1985; The Castle Rocks Chaos: A Gigantic Eocene Landslide-Debris Flow in the Southeastern Absaroka Range, Wyoming: University of California, Ph.D. Dissertation, 286 pp.

Sundell, K. A., 1986; Introduction to the Absaroka Volcanics and roadlogs: Earth Science Bulletin, v. 19, part 2, pp. 84-115.

Sundell, K. A., 1986; Petroleum Exploration in the Absaroka Basin of Northwestern Wyoming: (abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 8, p. 1058. Paper presented at 1986 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in Casper, Wyoming.

Sundell, K. A., 1989; The Absaroka Basin: A Frontier Oil and Gas Province in Northwestern Wyoming: (abstract) RMAG Outcrop, May 1989. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Luncheon Meeting on June 9, 1989.

Sundell, K. A., 1989; Aspen Creek Oilfield; In: Wyoming Oil and Gas Field Symposium; Bighorn and Wind River Basins: Wyoming Geological Association Symposium, p. 30-31.

Sundell, K. A., 1990; Sedimentation and Tectonics of the Absaroka Basin, Northwestern Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook 41st Annual Field Conference, August 1990, p. 105-122.

Sundell, K. A., 1993; The Absaroka Volcanic Province; In: Geology of Wyoming: Snoke, Steidtmann, and Roberts, eds.; University of Wyoming and Wyoming Geological Survey, Laramie, WY, p. 480-506.

Sundell, K. A., 1994; The Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail: Wyoming Geological Association 44th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 9-11.

Sundell, K. A., 1997; Oreodonts: Extinct large burrowing mammals of the Oligocene. Tate Museum Publication #2, 1997 field conference guidebook, p. 31-43.

Sundell, K. A., 1997; Population statistics and preliminary biostratigraphy of an extensive vertebrate fauna from the White River Formation in Wyoming. Tate Museum Publication #2, 1997 field conference guidebook , p. 138.

Sundell, K. A., 1998; Hyaenodon: Nemesis of the burrowing oreodont. Journal of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, V. 18, No. 3, P. 81A.

Sundell, K. A., 1999; Helodermoides tuberculates: An Oligocene Glyptosaur from Douglas, Wyoming. Tate Museum Publication #4, 1999 field conference guidebook, p. 31-43.

Sundell, K. A., 1999, Taphonomy of a multiple Poebrotherium killsite - An Archaeotherium meat cache: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, V. 19, No. 3, P. 79A.

Sundell, K. A., 2001, Preliminary paleoecology of the Swan Lake Quarries: An Orellan plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate bearing lake deposit from the White River Formation, Converse County, Wyoming: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, V. 21, No. 3, P. 106A.

Sundell, K. A., 2003; Shadeline glaciers and catastrophic flooding of Casper Mountain, Wyoming. Tate Museum Publication #6, 2003 field conference guidebook, p. 24-25.

Sundell, K. A., 2004; Paleoecology of oreodonts (Merycoidodontea) wiyhin the White River Formation; prairie dog of the Oligocene, Gelogical.Society of America Abstracts with programs, Vol. 36, No. 5 , p. 380.

Sundell, K. A. and Eaton, J. G., 1982; Stratigraphic Relations Within the Southeastern Absaroka Volcanic Sequence, Northwestern Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, 33rd Annual Field Conference, pp. 65-71. Paper presented at 1982 Geological Society of America Meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, May 8, 1982, Bozeman, Montana.

Sundell, K. A. and Fisher, R. V., 1985; Very Coarse-grained Fragmental Rocks: A Proposed Size Classification; Geology, v. 13, p. 692-695.

Sundell, K. A. and Love, J. D.; 1986, Oil and Gas Seeps Within the Absaroka Volcanics of Northwestern Wyoming; (abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 8, pp. 1058-1059. Paper presented at 1986 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in Casper, Wyoming.

Sundell, K. A., Shive, P. N. and Eaton, J. G., 1984; Measured Sections, Magnetic Polarity and Biostratigraphy of the Wiggins, Tepee Trail and Aycross Formations within the southeastern Absaroka Range, Wyoming; Earth Science Bulletin, v. 17, pp. 1-48.

Anderson, D., Johnston, J., Nichols, D, and Sundell, K. A., 2004; Quaternary shadeline glaciers and catastrophic flooding of Casper Mountain, Wyoming, Gelogical.Society of America Abstracts with programs, Vol. 36, No. 5 , p. 249.

Bailey, M. H. and Sundell, K. A., 1986; Preliminary Results of Wildcat Drilling in Absaroka Volcanic Rocks, Hot Springs County, Wyoming: (abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 8, pp. 1030-1031.

Hudson, S. R., Hudson, R. E. and Sundell, K. A., 1989; Willow Draw Oilfield; In: Wyoming Oil and Gas Field Symposium; Bighorn and Wind River Basins: Wyoming Geological Association Symposium, p. 540-542.

Shive, P. N. and Sundell, K. A., 1986; Magnetostratigraphic Correlation of Eocene Rocks from the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming: (abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, no. 8, p. 1056.

Shive, P. N., Sundell, K. A., and Rutledge, J., 1980; Magnetic Polarity Stratigraphy of Eocene Volcaniclastic Rocks from the Absaroka Mountains of Wyoming: (abstract) EOS, v. 61, no. 46, p. 945, GP38.